Pussycat Dolls - Jai Ho

Posted by m lutfi fauzi

hahahaha. lagii suka bangett lahh ama lagu iniii. seminggu kemaren gw baru liat videonyaa gitu, terus karena curious ama dancenyaa. akhirnya gw minta videonyaa terus di rumah gw ULANG ULANG tuu video sampe gw bisaaa dancenya!!!!!

hasilnyaaa?? BISAA DONGGG!!!!! cuman butuh 3 hariii ajahh gituuuuu
sayang banget deh videonya gga bisa gw pasanggg. tapi check ajahh di sini

hope you like it



How to Be As High Class As You Can

Posted by m lutfi fauzi in
hmmm. setiap orang pasti pengen keliatan gayaaa, keliatan wahhh. dan pastinya keliatan HIGH CLASS. even sebenernya kita bukan dari kalangan HIGH CLASS. tapi gag ada salahnya kalau mau keliatan HIGH CLASS as you can. jadi keliatan high class tapi gag bikin ribet dehh. check it out!!

  1. Clean your house thoroughly, especially the common and guest rooms.
  2. Organize everything to appear competent.
  3. Bathe every day: proper hygiene is essential to any social interaction.
  4. Cull your wardrobe (including undergarments). If anything is not new-looking or not perfectly white, donate it or take it to a tailor - they can do wonders for a low price! Then go to thrift stores/outlets and buy a new wardrobe.
  5. Clean your shoes. High society notices things that you might not. Make them look brand new all the time.
  6. Get brand-name sunglasses and bags, or knockoffs. Be sure to do your research though because high society can tell the difference.
  7. Invest in a reliable, nice-looking car, but avoid anything too fancy or fad-ish. Camrys are very nice.
  8. Speak proper English and pay attention to grammar. Using a dictionary, randomly choose one word per week (or per day depending on how much of a life you have) and learn to use it in your daily conversations.
  9. Educate yourself, with special attention to history.
  10. Make your teeth as white as possible.
  11. Shave and wax regularly. Eyebrows can make or break your look; make sure yours are perfect.
  12. Keep nails natural-looking and clean. Please don't bite, and always keep them French manicured.
  13. Attempt to get clear skin. Use lots of facial and acne washes and of course moisturizer.
  14. Get a better job if you feel your potential is going untapped. You could always sell things on eBay.
  15. Make your car shine. Clean any dead insects off your number plate and wipe away any bird manure.

hope can help youuu




Posted by m lutfi fauzi
just one week of school, and now come (again) HOLIDAY!!

maybe I spend holiday time at home, just thinkin' about myself. and how happy I am right now about myself. how I can see things more CLEARLY!

or spend quality time together with my besties. social life is IMPORTANT TOO!

hahaha. Happy UAN holiday!


feel like changing

Posted by m lutfi fauzi
lately I feel like changing, engga tau deh kenapa, tapi emang gw nyadar bahwa gw berubahhh. ya free for you to judge me when I'm changing like this, either you like it or not, I feel better right now.

so much expression I want to express to show what I feel right now. some of you maybe realize it, or maybe not. BUT I FEEL IT!! and happy about it.

I think it's because the previous holiday when I have 168 hours to just be alone, thingking about everything, and time for myself just myself. it's like a meditation to know what it's feels like to know what we have done.

even I don't do the usually holiday kind of stuff. I feel very happy about it, cause of that I have time for myself, and feel "I'm changing now"

Thank Youu.....



school's again

Posted by m lutfi fauzi
holidays over, and now, time to go back to school




Ibob's 17th birthday surprise

Posted by m lutfi fauzi
(geng margahayuuuu)

YEAHHH! hari ini salah satu sahabat gw ultah, Iqbal Anugrah Fitriyanto
I want to tell the story about today

rencananyaa udah dibikin dari hari kamis. antara gw am mei. awalnya pengen ngasih kado ke ibob, hello! it's his 17. nahh, akhirnya mei ngasih ide bikin kejutan ajahh, jam 12 MALEM ke rumah ibob. I was like, WOWW seriously??

tapi akhirnya kita come up dengan ide dateng pagi pagi buat bangunin ibob. kumpul di rumah silvy jam 5 pagii. with dresscode, PAJAMAS.
akhirnya gw ngajakin anak anak GENG MARGAHAYU! echun, deby, sasbel, silvy, gigie, idha. we are soo fung GANG! hahaha

anyway, pagi pagi gw bangun jam setengah 4. dan gw mesti bangunin gigie buat jemput idha, tuu anak emang kebo emangg. hahaha
then, udah itu gw jemput mei ke rumahnya, kopo antapani. WOW! tapi enak banget suasana jalannya sepi banget udaranya masih dingin lagi.

nah udah gitu gw ama mei ke rumah silvy, tapi tadinya mau nyamper echun dulu, tapi gw gag berani permisi. :D . takuttt ganggu, dan si echun di telfon gag bangun bangun lagi yahh, dasar kebo. akhirnya daripada ganggu, mending ke rumah silvy aja deh, dan dia udah bangun, GOOD GIRL!

udah beberapa lama, deby datengg, terus sasbel, gigie ma idha bareng dan mereka minta dijemput soalnya gag tau rumah silvy. pas gw jemput si bitchy jalang echun nurhadi dateng jugaaa. hahaha. so, we're COMPLETE!

dan akhirnya kita nyari kue, buat ibob, tapi toko toko di margahayu masih tutup, dan akhirnya gw ama mei berDUA ke antapani buat nyari black forest. hahaha, dan kita ketemu deh tokonya, plus, ditambah dengan 2 lusin lilin, kan biar 17 lilin ceunahh. hahaha.

udah gitu balik lagi deh kita ke rumah silvy, dimana yang lain dengan asyik tanpa peduli dengan kesusah payahaan juga kerja keras dengan ditimani oleh kesang kesang peluh bau maniaa sabab kita kita ACAN MANDI, mereka meser bubur. -__-
tapi gw juga meser dong ah! Hahaha.

then, kita langsung caww ke rumah ibob buat bikin surprise buat ibob ke rumahnya, dan kita jalan kaki agar sehat segar dan BUGAR!! . udah gitu dijalan kita nocos nocos lilin 17 biji, trus dinyalain gitu, dan kita akhirnya langsung ke rumahnya ibob deh

dijalan kita ketemu ama ayah ibunya ibob, yang akan memadu kasih asmara jalan berduaan. dan mereka bilang "masih tidur masih tidur" . dan itu adalah berita bagus cause kalau ibob udah bangun kurang WOOOW!!

udah dirumah ibob, kita ketemu kakanya ibob, dan disuruh langsung ke kamarnya ibob, dan gw mei sasbel deby silvy gigie idha echun . langsung masuk..... AND BAMMM! kita langsung nyanyi HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

dengan masih dibumbui oleh bunga bunga mimpi dan acay acay hasil produksi semalam ditambah oleh chileuh chileuhh yang bersangsang dicelah celah soca. ibob akhirnya kaget juga kita seGANG masuk nentengin kue blackforest yang ditojos oleh 17 lilin kecel

disuruh make a wish dulu, trus ibob niup lilinnya, dan gw seneng banget pas dia bilang "ini gw mimpi yahh?" . so our plan is definitely BERHASILL!! hahaha.

and thanks for meylina hamid, silvy puspita o, saskya bella a, deby setiabudi, natassya a anza, hilda noviana, and rhesa nurhadi. without you guys, this plan is not gonna be SUCCESSED!

wish you all the blessing from god and wish all the best for you budd :D





Posted by m lutfi fauzi in
(the cover)

hahaha. gw baru beli nihh CDny Agnes Monica yang ini. darii jaman jaman Godai Aku Lagi keluarr singlenya, dan sekarang gw mau ngereview lagu lagu di album ini!


.godai aku lagi

okey, lagu ini emang udah lama keluar, dan pastinya kamu kamu pada tau yah. beatny enak banget buat dipake goyang. video klipny juga okeh. ini salah satu lagu favorite gw di album ini! . cuman kayakny tempony lebih enakeun kalau dinaikin dikit. lebih enerjik kesannya

.janji janji

rada ngepop rock, tapi suaranya agnes okeh banget, nyanyiny sambil bisik bisik

.hanya menunggu

esensi rnb hip hopnya ada banget ni di lagu ini, beatny asik banget lah!


C-O-O-L- !! keren banget ni pas lagu ini, video klipnya juga okeh banget, melodi juga beda ama lagu lagu agnes dulu. suaranyaa haluss tapi powerfull banget. ahh oke banget deh!

.coz I love you
another slow song di album ini. dalem jugaa lyricnya men, hahaha

lagu beat up banget ni! lyricnya nyeritain tentang agnes sendiri, narsis sii, tapi who cares! tetep enakeun. :D


awalnya dibuka ama suara cowoo gitu, laguny nyeritain kepossesivan gitu, beatnya enakeun, agnes nyanyinya di swing swing gitu, ditambah suara backsound cowony, jadi makin amazing lah!


ini lagu lamaa sii, pas sinetron dia ama dirly idol. dan emang suaranya agnes ENERJIK BANGET di lagu ini

.shake it off

WOWWW! ini lagu dalam urutan pertamaa yang gw suka di album ini!! . ahh edan banget! beatny okeh, tempony sip, suaranya powerfull. dan ini lagu, pertama kali dibawain di festival asia, pake tarian bali mix match sama modern dance. ahh extraordinary banget!


lagu terakhir, judulny emang dalemm, dan isinya juga dalemm. piano ama suara agnesnyaa. amazing!

dari kesuluruhan gw ngasih 4 bintang dari 5. hmm, mungkin tracklistny agak dikit, terus lagu up beatnya kurang banyakk. kirain dengan judul album SACREDLY AGNEZIOUS bakal banyak up beat.
tapi totally, emang whorth it banget buat dibeli. gag nyesel deh, lagu slowny enakeun semua.




new york city

Posted by m lutfi fauzi
lately, I'm so thrilled to live in another country, well not lately... I dream about it when I was 5th grade. first city that I want to live is in............ NEW YORK

(the bussiest city in THE WORLD)
(the liberty statue and brooklyn bridge at night)

I don't know why, it's just I feel like I belong there, with all their culture, shops, met steps, central park, manhattan, upper east side, gossip girl. yeahhh probbaly because I've too much watching that show, so I really really really . wants to live there

and looks like new york it's the "up-2-date" city. everything's going on, new york always know. and by the way the shops on the side walk. they are like DESIGNER TOP stores

(one of the best store)

then the central park.. WHAT A BEAUTY PARKKKK!!

(it's all green)

on winter, central park can be a place where you can ICE SKATING!! wooo hoooo

(bring your skate fellas)

don't forget the times square

(times square baby)

and the biggest museum in THE WORLD

(metropolitan museum of art)

ohh by the way, gossip girl use that steps. it's like their headquarters or something. ohh, their I mean BLAIR and her posse. :D

ohhh I don't know, there are so much places in new york I want to knoww. grrrrr. I hope I can live in new york, or I work in new york. THAT WOULD BE AWESOMEEE!!!!!

and I live here on 5th Avenue Apartment. I heard that avenue is THE MOST luxury place in new york, is that true??

(one of apartment on 5th Avenue)



new post

Posted by m lutfi fauzi
how we spell "h" then put it together with "o l i d a " and then give "y" in the end?

ohh, sorry it says HOLIDAY!!

oh god! finally! another day for free from all schools stuff, well I'm gonna miss my friend, but it's for a week. don't worry guys! miss you tooo. :D

and I'm really really really sorry for all who will be have TEST! NATIONAL TEST! *I DON'T want to think about it, really

after all, it's HOLIDAYYYY!!

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