finishing BREAKIN DAWN'
okay okay. I just break another record in my life of my life
I JUST FINISH READ BREAKIN' DAWN IN ONE DAY!! 24 hour. well not really 24 hour. start
but still, the statisfaction of reading that and breaking record of my life. woohhh you can't imagine. :D
did I mention I read it on English Version?? hahaha. wooohhhh still the statisfaction.
okay the sinopsis. start with Bella and Edward wedding, ehmm nothing you can imagine. romantic really.
then the story about the honeymoon in Isme Esme . right Esme is mate of
continue with the "honeymoon thing", since Edward is vampire and Bella is human. what you wonder they having......... "that"?? hahahaha. read it read it.
and after "that", a few weeks later, Bella is... well you know after "that" what people going to face.
but that fast to be.......??
then we read on side view of Jacob.
fyi I never like him, I don't know why, maybe because she ruined Bella and Edward relationship.
then after bella give birth to her child we change to side view of Bella (thank god)
um susah nih ngejelasin pake bahasa inggris. okey campur ajah yah
udah selesai kejadian Bella ngelahirin anaknya. akhirnya Bella turn into VAMPIRE!!! with Edward venom of course, that what she wants
terus anaknya dikasih nama Reneesme Carlie, Reneesme dari kata Renee (ibunya Bella) Esme (ibu angkatnya Edward). Carlie dari
tapi ternyata Bella bisa ngontrol dirinya supaya engga ajdi liar kayak vampire yang masih usia muda, well COOL (again)!!
panjang yahhh
hmm udah kejadian itu, ternyata Jacob ngeimprinted Reneesme. yang udah baca eclipse pasti tau deh Imprint to apaan. yang belum? found out by yourself
udah gitu entar VOLTURI FAMILY IS BACKKKKK!!!!! wooo. to kill Reneesme. wah wah. apakah yang terjadi?? dan Bella ternyata punya special ability like Edward, Alice, Jasper and the other special vampire. want to know??
see for your self
jujur sii gw jarang banget baca novel bahasa inggris. sekalinya baca juga Harry Potter : And Deadly Hallows dan itu butuh waktu at leats seminggu kurang lah gw lupa.
tapi baca ini weeewwww. SEHARI CINGG!!! ONE DAYY!!! ahh gile statisfactionnya itu lho
gimana ama kamu?? bisa??