Super Junior

Posted by m lutfi fauzi in ,

hmmmmm... awalnya sii gw denger nama Super Junior pas kelas 3 smp, temen gw si yanne tuh yang suka ama Super Junior usually we call them SuJu. pertama sii cuman tau ajahh kalau ada boyband korea namanya Super Junior yang anggotanya ada 13 biji.. (woow, banyak bangettttttttt)

nah sekarang disaat gw kelas 2 SMA gw mendengar nama Super Junior kembali. awalnya karena tugas Bhs. Indonesia yang diberikan Bu Ratni yaitu membacakan biografi Idolaaa kita. nah temen gw Afina Luana Rachman ngebahas biografi Super Junior ituu, karena desakan curiousity dari gw akhirnya gw coba untuk mengenal yang namanya Super Junior

terus afina bawa tuh picturebook SuJu yang Boys "In The City 2", dan komentar gw adalah OH..... MY.......... GOD........... BAJU BAJUNYA ATULAHHH!!! I know I have so much interesting to Fashion since I realize that guys fashion in Indonesia is not improving, so when I look at their photos I was like... "OH MY GOD!! WHERE I CAN FIND THIS KIND OF OUTFIT". mostly I like Kibum, Kang In, Kyuhyun, Siwon, and Heechul outfit on that picture book. simple but fashionable. and until know, sometimes I'm search some outfit which exactly same as them. and too bad I don't have the picture book, I did some search to a bookstore near me, but it sold out. erghhhhhhh X(

and afina gave me their new single, it called 'Sorry, Sorry' for the frist time I hear Sorry Sorry I was Amazed because this song is different from K-Pop I usually hear. Sorry Sorry is more up beat and really R&B which I like SO MUCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!. and when afina gave the MV of Sorry Sorry, SERIOUSLY!!!! THEY CAN DANCE! the move the rythem is so matchhhhhhhhh, and the outfit.. goddd I WANT IT!!!!

from that.. afina keeps give me MV from previous single and song from Super Junior, and when I first saw Don't Don, THE DANCEEE!!! ahhhh I want to dance like that! energetic, cohesive, and harmonius! and the song is very powerfull!

and must you know too, on my playlist... I heard SuJu songs sooo many timessssssssssssssss :DD . I don't know, maybe it's because their melody is different from other songs I usually hear, and they give me what I like from a singer... FASHION ATTITUDE, DANCE PERFORMANCES, and AMAZING VOICE!! I hope I can sing like that and dance like that. AMIEN. hahahahaha

I'll keep post about them maybe,

because right now I'm so addictive. hahahaha



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